
直达: 便携超声波流量计 固定超声波流量计 手持超声波流量计 超声波热量计 电磁流量计  超声波流量计(1)  固定式超声波流量计(提供OEM产品)      (2)  便携式超声波流量计(提供OEM产品)    &nb


超声波热量表: FV系列超声波热量计是在超声波流量计基础上加配一对温度变送器而实现热量计量功能的。可循环显示正、负、净累积热量与累积流量和瞬时热量与流量计及时间、温度等值。          ●热量计算公式:热量=流量×(A11温度下的水的热焓值-A12度下的水的热焓值) ●国际标准热焓值表已存于热量计中 ●超声波流量计介绍详见固定式超声



固定管段式超声波流量计管段式传感器是采用法兰将管段传感器与被测管路直接连接的一种测量方式,该款传感器解决了外缚式和插入式传感器在安装过程中由于人为或被测管道参数不准确引起的误差而造成测量精度下降的问题,具有测量精度高,稳定性好、免维护等特点,是未来超声波流量计的发展方向。  卫生型管段式传感器         π型管段式传感器          标准管段式传感器 

FV3000 超声波流量计

FV3000 超声波流量计: 固定外夹式超声波流量计被测流体可以是水、海水或油、浆液之类均匀液体,导电或非导电,有腐蚀性或无腐蚀性  液体均可测量。大连索尼卡公司生产的FV3000超声波流量计背光液晶全中文显示瞬时流量计及正、负、净累积流量、流速、时间、模拟输入等数据,可适用于钢、不锈钢、铸铁、水泥管、铜、PVC、铝、玻璃钢等质密的管道。   【FV3000超声波流量计说


FV2000A23插入式超声波流量计:插入式传感器是指在被测管道上利用专用开孔工具在不停产的情况下在线打孔,使传感器和被测介质直接接触从而实现流量测量的一种安装方式,该款传感器解决了外缚式传感器在测量结垢较厚的管道时不易接收到信号及长时间测量信号衰减的问题,具有不停产安装、免维护、与管径无关、无压力损失等特点。    FV2000A23插入式超声波流量计管道材质为碳钢


时差式超声波流量表:大连超声波流量表的领航者-索尼卡公司,十五年来立足于大连,着眼于世界。从事超声波流量表生产,超声波流量表销售、超声波流量表售后服务、超声波流量表调试、超声波流量表维修维护和超声波流量表产品的研究与开发:  当我们在使用各种流体时,较多场合是需要了解流体的流量,从而引出对流量的测量问题。流量计广泛应用于能源计量如水、油等含能物质。  目前,应用各种原理和方法而

Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Wall-Mount Ultrasonic Transit-Time Flowmeter:   The FV2000 Ultrasonic flowmeter General Purpose Wall-Mount Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flowmeter is the first member of the 7rd generation ultrasonic flowmeters from Shenitech. Compared with the predecessors, the 7rd generation ultrasonic flowmeters offer better performances and a richer feature set, all at a lower price. The FV2000 Ultrasonic flowmeter is designed to be installed at a fixed location for long-term flow measurement from outside of a pipe that carries pure liquids and liquids with minor suspended particles. It utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as advanced transducer design, low voltage transmission, digital signal processing, and self adaptation to achieve high performance. As QUALITY is of crucial importance, all transducers are carefully paired, and all flowmeters are wet-calibrated in the factory to further ensure system accuracy and reliability. FV2000 Ultrasonic flowmeter provides versatile input/output interfaces, such as digital and relay outputs, batch control, alarm, flow totalizing, 4-20mA output, and optional RTD interface for thermal energy measurement, which can be easily used by a host computer or a flow controller for process monitoring and control. Besides, the isolated built-in RS-485 port and the optional GPRS/GSM module make remote flow monitoring easy and reliable. Due to the non-intrusive nature of the clamp-on technology, there is no pressure drop, no moving parts, no leaks, no risk of contamination, no risk of corrosion, no pressure dependency and no blockage on the flow. The installation is very simple and requires no special skills or tools. The cost of installation, operation, and maintenance is lower than that of conventional flowmeters. FV2000 Ultrasonic flowmeter is an ideal choice for demanding applications where low-cost, high-performance and non-intrusiveness are a must. A pplications include, but are not limited to, liquid process control, water flow measurement (hot/chill water, city water, sea wat beverages, and many other liquids.



超低功耗超声波流量计(简称超声波水表)采用超声波时差原理来计量圆管内液体的流量。大连索尼卡公司FV系列超声波水表采用工业级电子元器件,依靠电池供电,无机械转动,无磨损,无压力损失,是一种全电子的工业用水表。超声波水表具有精度高、可靠性好、价格低、使用寿命长等优点。可完全替代其它类型的水表。【超声波水表简要说明】 ●极低的始动流量,最低可测流速达0.01m/s ●超低功耗设计,功耗小于0.0







固定定式时差式超声波流量计被测流体可以是水、海水、或油、浆液之类的均匀液体,导电或非导电,有腐蚀性或无腐蚀性液体均可测量。【固定式超声波流量计简要说明】● 固定超声波流量计采用大规划集成电路CPLD,表贴工艺,准确度更高。● 高可靠性,高性能,适用性好,全中文显示。● 日、月、年流量累积功能,可记录前64个运行天、前64个运行月、前5个运行年的累积流量。● 上、断电管理功能,可记录前64次上、断电